The Wright Brothers

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The Wright Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright were born to Bishop Milton Wright and his wife Susan. Wilbur, their third son, was born on a small farm near Millville, Indiana on April 16, 1867. Orville was born at 7 Hawthorn Street in Dayton, Ohio. The five Wright children grew up in a happy environment where they were always encouraged to pursue intellectual interests. The family was a very close one, even though Bishop Wright was a firm disciplinarian. …

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…patent for controlling the lateral motion of airplanes by ailerons or wing warping. Without a patent, the Europeans were free to copy the Wrights ideas. They were also free from the embarrassing fact that the Wrights had invented something they had not. Most people today recognize the Wrights as the true inventers of the airplane. The prevalent attitude toward the Wrights however, is that they were just bicycle mechanics who by chance, invented the airplane.