The Worst Job In South Philly

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A cruel yet inescapable fact of life is that most of us--and, most regrettably, I--must work to keep roofs over our heads and food on our tables. My efforts to satisfy these of life's basic demands have led me to hold more jobs than I care to remember; but I can recall beyond any doubt the worst of them was my job at Tony's Pizza in South Philadelphia. First of all, my boss and managers …

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…salary I'd started with would rise as I continued to work and prove my worth at the shop, I saw no raise in the six months I worked there and was impolitely told to drop the subject when I brought it up on one occasion. I subsequently moved on to other jobs, some of which rivaled Tony's in one or a couple of areas; but Tony's still holds the indisputable title of my worst job.