The World of Stress.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
The World of Stress What is stress? Stress is defined as an emotional strain caused by environmental and/or situational pressure upon an individual. Stress affects everyone and everything, that's why it is important that we all are properly educated on the subject. Everyone in this class at one time or another has gone through some sort of stress, whether just thinking about our next assignment, work or something at home. Every person has to …

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…St. Paul Pioneer Dispatch. 30 November 1998. p.8B. <> Schiff, Lisa. Downsizing workplace stress. Business & Health. Nov 1997. v15 n11 p45(2). <> Worklife Report. Deadlines ranked top cause of stress. Winter 2002. v14 i1 p17(1) <> Walker, Ingram J. Stress. Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier On-line. 2003. University of Phoenix Online Collection. 17 Oct 2003. Keyword: Stress