The World Of Undocumented Immigrants

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
In this day and age it is hard to believe that there are still so many undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Recently, President George W. Bush accepted a legislation that would give rights to undocumented immigrants already working in the United States. The majority of the undocumented immigrants are of Latino decent, many of which hold jobs that are often dangerous and humiliating. <Tab/>There are "9 million undocumented immigrants …

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…which candidate best reflects our ideas, and beliefs. We all as a nation need to take a position on helping these immigrants come and stay in this country. There are many established organizations willing to assist in any way possible. People need to remember that we all want the similar things out of life freedom, and respect. <Tab/><Tab/> References Latina Magazine, Toil and Trouble July (2004) Pg. 92