The Wonder of the Giant Sequoias

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The largest living things on earth are the Giant Sequoia trees. The seventy-five groves of the giant sequoia that exist today are located on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada from Placer County to southern Tulare County, California. The groves occur between elevations of 4,500 and 8,400 feet and range in size from 1,000 to 4000 acres. Their bark is as much as 4 feet thick, 50 feet long, and branches 100 feet off the ground. Some of the largest trees …

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…Guess, he was a writer that recorded the language of his tribe. These fantastic trees are great monuments of nature, but they are all most gone. Today it is illegal to cut down Sequoias because they are rare. But still, everyone must do their part to protect the forests and these trees so they do not become extinct. Bibliography: