"The Wife of His Youth" by Lord Alfred Tennyson.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Quotes of Interracial Racism Racism has been an issue in society ever since the founding of our country. Racism itself has not dissolved or dissipated, only evolved to include more complex reasons for it. In "The Wife of His Youth," Charles Chesnutt uses examples of poetic forms of literary quotes to convey that racism existed within the same race. The elite club of the Blue Veins was an African-American society that only let people in …

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…mbers only after he receives their approval. Mr. Ryder was a former slave who just happens to be free and of high status at the present moment. After he becomes "a someone" in society he wishes to forget about his past until the wife of his youth comes along his path and makes him decide truth or fame with the underlying theme that not only race will play a part, but skin tone will also.