The Wife Of Martin Guerre: Short Answer Questions and Themes

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The Wife of Martin Guerre Short answer questions Rohan Liston CHAPTER ONE: Artigues 1)<Tab/>Much of the first page is taken up with descriptions of the country. What does it communicate? Descriptions of the land and country in which the characters live sets the scene and the time period of the story. On the first page, we are given images of isolation due to the heavy winter that "buried [the land] …

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…severe as that of Arnaut Tillier, for having been by his absence the cause of this wrongdoing?" One would think that Bertrande's victory would finally give her freedom and credibility. However, she is given the opposite - "bitter, solitary justice". Nobody really cares that she was right, and they do not try to stop her when she leaves. If moral justice had been achieved, Bertrande would not have ended up in the position she did.