The West Wing and the Forbidden Room

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hiding a terrible secret, the doors are always locked. The secluded areas in the movies Rigoletto and Beauty and the Beast were dark and held in the silent anger of Beast and Mr. Ribaldi. Rigoletto is a movie about a young girl, Bonnie, who befriends a scarred man who turns out to be a fairytale prince. Beauty and the Beast is a movie about another young girl, Belle, who is held in a sort of …

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…that are held in both rooms are revealed. These are only a few similarities in these two movies. Both Belle and Bonnie give their servitude to Beast and Mr. Ribaldi, but are free in the end. Also, both Beast and Mr. Ribladi show a brazen lack of respect for everything and everyone but in the end they learn to be kind. They are both very interesting and make you think while you are watching them.