"The Way Through the Woods" by Gerald Manley Hopkins and "Binsey Poplars" by Rudyard Kipling.

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Compare the two poets' representations of and attitudes to nature in 'The Way Through the Woods' and 'Binsey Poplars'. ----------------------------------------------------------- These two poems, by Gerald Manley Hopkins and Rudyard Kipling respectively, are both concerned with how humans and how their presence among nature can have a negative effect. Both of these poems seem to agree that humans do have an influence on the natural evolution of nature; mainly due to the way humans interfere with …

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…the wood has developed in The Way through the Woods. The wood is definitely more unconstrained and undisturbed, especially in comparison with the aspens of Binsey Poplars. These two poems both show similar attitudes towards nature, and the way in which human's have an effect on nature. However, it can be said with great certainty that Binsey Poplars has a more negative attitude towards human intervention on nature than in The Way Through the Woods.