The Wars by Timothy Findley

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Essay Database > Literature
The animal imagery in Timothy Findley's The Wars, is used creatively to develop a better understanding of the main character Robert Ross while reflecting on the situations that he faces. The first animal that Robert encounters is a coyote. In this particular book, the coyote symbolizes Robert learning how to become a good solider in the war and his first connection with animals. In the beginning of this book, Robert is admitted into the army …

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…way, horses bring him confusion and even anger. Hence, animals are Robert's refuge from the insanity of war and represent his innocence. However, though he loves horses and they are portrayed as beautiful, happy animals, they actually bring confusion and chaos to him. In conclusion, Findley's ways of constructing animal imagery into his novel The Wars, shows the relationship between the animals that are used to symbolize the situations that Robert faces and his personality.