The Wars- Importance of the four elements of life

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Throughout the existence of man on earth, the four elements of earth, air, fire and water have been vital to man's existence and have been the driving force in sustaining the life and insuring the survival of humanity. These four elements are four basic building blocks that allow man to not only function and live, but to further himself and develop into the dominant race on the planet. These four elements are four basic natural …

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…four elements are the basic building blocks of life and in times that are unnatural they can be manipulated in horrible and dangerous ways. Though they are needed for survival, they can lead to demise which makes them and exquisite commodity in both life and death. The inscription on a tombstone is a caption of one's life. From the four elements life is born, and fittingly, through the four elements it can be taken away.