The War of 1812

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Essay Database > History
The United States of America began to see the effects of Anglo-French War by the early 1800's. This European quarrel began affecting the United States shipping industry. Britain and France were violating neutral shipping rights of American merchants. They thought of America as weak due to inadequate time the nation had to develop. These violations were the first and primary provoking factors that led to war with Britain. There was reason that Britain became the …

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…easily have swallowed their pride at much less of a cost. American merchants and greed can be held at fault for this costly American war. Had merchants not pushed so hard this war may had been avoided, but they fact is it did. The War of 1812 did, however, strengthen America's ability to be self-reliant. This is valuable, but not worth the thousands of lives that were spent obtaining this minor war- time convenience. Word Count: 1320