The War of 1812

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During the early 1800s, what is now the United States was not so back then. In the 1800s, the 13 colonies were not considered as one whole. They were considered 13 separate countries that had their own governments, laws, and even currency. After the constitution was ratified, the U.S. fought its first major war as a country, the War of 1812. There were many causes of the War of 1812. In 1806, France and Britain were at war and …

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…with U.S as the initials for the United States. If the War of 1812 did not occur, we would not be the United States today. The war inspired a sense of nationalism that brought the country together. They were able to come together under one government and fight against those that wanted to take away their freedom. This is important to American society because without it there would be no such thing as an American.