The War of 1812

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The War of 1812 The war of 1812 accomplished pretty much nothing. Everything that was being fought over had pretty much been settled already. However, there were several key battles fought in the war. Three of the most important battles fought by the United States during the war of 1812 were; the battle of Tippecanoe, the battle of Baltimore, and the battle of New Orleans. To start with, the battle of Tippecanoe was a very important battle in …

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…victory in New Orleans, many Americans felt that the war had ended in triumph. Therefore, the battle of Tippecanoe, the battle of Baltimore, and the battle of New Orleans were key battles in the war of 1812. Even though the war accomplished almost nothing, the United States was finally recognized as a country that could defend itself. The war of 1812 also proved that every battle counts in a war, even when the war is really over.