"The War in Iraq: What do you Believe!?" This paper was written about a year into the war, and at the time many people were arguing about the oil and Saddam issue.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
On March 20, 2003, the United States, after a large build up of troops, attacked Iraq. The United States, after a decade of diplomatic disete and lies by Iraq, had finally ran out of nonmilitary methods of getting Iraq to obey UN decries including admission of and destruction of all weapons of mass destruction. I feel that the United States was justified in taking the actions they did due to many reasons that will be explained throughout …

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…over there for a reason, they were not just sent there for the hell of it. Our soldiers are doing a job, and at this moment they are doing a good job. They have rid Iraq of Saddam and many Iraqi people are grateful for that. As for the weapons of mass destruction they have found more evidence telling that there are biological weapons in the country and they are very close to finding them.