The Voices Within : A Descriptive essay written for an Eng 101 course.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Dreams can be a frightening place to be. Do you ever feel fear as you drift off to sleep? Have you ever worried that you might not wake up? I may not fear staying asleep, but I have felt the panic induced by nightmares of my own creation. It amazes me just how real it can feel. As I drifted to sleep one not, not so long ago, I thought to myself, it could be …

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…they pass. Everything is dark, but I am not on my ledge. The room lightens as the sun sheds its life giving warmth upon my window. I turn a bit, my room, my bed; everything is as it should be. I look back again at the sun, enjoying just for a moment the piercing pain it lends my eyes. Such pain gives me faith that I have returned from that place, safe for another day.