The Vision Of Emma Blau, by Ursula Hegi

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Vision Of Emma Blau By Ursula Hegi The literary work, "The Vision Of Emma Blau", is quite a bizarre way of telling people's lives. I had read a few other books by this author, and was really impressed with them. I liked the whole idea of a series of novels about different characters in the same small village in Germany, and this book started out promisingly enough. However, it's promising start gets bogged down …

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…because it was different from my normal aray of novels. What it lacked in interest, it gained in knowledge, because I learned a lot from this novel. I learned a lot about different cultures and different ways people live their lives. I would recommend this book to others, not for a book to keep them intereged, but for a book that will educate them on the lives of people who are not necessarily like them.