The Vietnam War showed the USA that it would have to learn to live with communism. To what extent is this statement true?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
It is true that, to some extent, the course and the outcome of the Vietnam War forced the USA to respect communism and accept the communist sphere of influence. In the Vietnam War, the USA was not capable of defeating a colonial power which enjoyed being supplied by communist China and the USSR. Despite this, the USA likes to cover up the victory of communism with Stalinists subsequent inability to solve all the problems that …

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…three superpowers. But certain events in the years that followed prevented or slowed down disarmament and disrupted the relationship between the countries. The change of presidency, when Nixon resigned after the Watergate scandal, was one factor which contributed to this because Nixon had introduced the Nixon Doctrine which put peaceful co-existence as the basis for relations between the superpowers. Besides, American people like to forget about the war or think that they have won it.