The Vietnam War at home and abroad

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Korean War turned the Cold War into a global issue rather than a European one and worsened tensions between the East and West. Russia flooded aid into China and consequently, the two Communist giants became less trusted and more feared. America was very committed to a theory called the "Domino Theory" and the Truman doctrine of containment. America believed that Communism was likely to spread very rapidly if left, and if just one country …

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…involvement in Indochina. The US simply violated the Geneva Agreement with increased American support and intervention. Although the US military intervention had bolstered Diem's government, it did not solve the fundamental problem of establishing a viable and stable nation in South Vietnam. In addition, the US strategy proceeded not only in ignorance of the local circumstances, but apparently didn't even have a clear plan to establish a lasting government or to effectively defeat the Communists.