The Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
There are many different divisions of the United States military. Some of these divisions are special forces units, these are units that have special training in certain areas of combat. A few of these Special Forces are, the Navy SEALS, the Green Berets, Air Commandos and Marine Corps Snipers. These divisions had a significant impact throughout the Vietnam War, because of the special training they went through. These men were a vital part of the …

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…States Military. The Green Berets using their counter insurgency tactics, the Navy SEALS using their underwater capabilities to surprise the enemies, Snipers using pinpoint accuracy, Commandos clearing the way for bombing missions, and Fighter pilots destroying enemy jets. These men are the brave souls who worked extra hard to learn special tactics to defend our country. Without these many men the United States war effort could have been even more catastrophic that it already was.