The Viet Minh and their impact on Indochina.

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Essay Database > History
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." <Tab/>Sentiments such as this stated by Mao Zedong (leader of the Chinese Communists) were the philosophies of the Viet Minh belief system and the motivation for the Viet Minh's everlasting passion for independence. The Viet Minh, in full, Vietnam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi (League for the Independence of Vietnam), nationalist organization in Vietnam, led the struggle for independence from …

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…crush him. However, the tiger of Indo-China, Mr. Schoenbrun, is going to hide in the jungle by day. He will steal out at night and will leap upon the back of the elephant and take great chunks out the elephant's hide - and slowly the elephant will bleed to death. It may take three years, it may take five, it may take ten, but that will be the war in Indo-China" . And so it was.