The Victorian Era

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
THE VICTORIAN ERA (1839-1901) The Victorian era corresponds with the reign of Queen Victoria in England from 1839 to 1901. The period is beloved for its attention to high morals, modesty and proper decorum, as inspired by the Queen and her husband, Prince Albert. The Victorian era was also an optimistic time in which scientific and industrial invention thrived. Developments in printing produced a proliferation of Victorian scrap art, cards, and magazines. The importance placed on civic …

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…a Tea with Queen Victoria party! For inspiration on how to host a Victorian tea for your friends and family, read Tea with Friends: A Victorian Tradition. The Victorian era is celebrated for prolific works of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, formed by Dante Rosetti and William Holman Hunt. Learn about this avant-garde movement inspired by the earlier Italian Renaissance painters and symbolic works of William Shakespeare, in our page on The Arts of the Victorian period.