The Vewrious Bombs Using Nuclear Energy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
What is nuclear energy? There are two forms of bombs using nuclear energy, the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb. In all of these bombs contains a very explosive energy, nuclear energy. Nuclear energy refers to the energy consumed or produced in modifying the composition of the atomic nucleus. This fundamental form of energy provides the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb with their enormous explosive force. First, is the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb is …

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…during World War II, there was no way to produce the extreme amounts of heat needed to initiate the fusion reaction of the H-bomb. Even after World War II, however, development of the H-bomb faced many political and technical obstacles. The U.S. government gave priority to perfecting and stockpiling atomic bombs, and scientists discovered that initiating a fusion reaction involved more than simply placing a container of hydrogen near a fission trigger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**