The Varying Faces of Death The meaning of James Joyce's short story The Dead

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
The Varying Faces of Death James Joyce's "The Dead" exhibits the capacity of another's death to dishearten one in his future relations and experiences. This short story also gives voice to the emotions of a husband. This husband's wife's romantic tie to a man who died years ago, forces him to realize that there is a chapter of his wife's life in which he plays no part. In the story this man not only comes …

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…could not find the heart to go on bravely with our work among the living" (2257), he says in respect to the deceased. The memories of Kate and Julia Morkan's brother, his horse, and Parkinson, a famous singer, are all mentioned in various conversations at the dance. But most of all, the title refers to Michael Furey, Gretta's former love. The title pertains to those who most affect our lives after they are gone, the dead.