The Use of Setting in Tim O'Brien's 'The Story of the Song Tra Bong'

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Essay Database > Literature > English
It's ok. Could use a little work. I would only recommend it as 'another view point' when considering writing about this. She loved. If it wasn't the first essay, it would have done better. Where does the story of Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong take place? Upon reading the story, one would first assume that it takes place in Vietnam. Upon further examination, however, it becomes quite evident that it really takes place inside …

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…that he becomes the top level setting. In the end, ' ' wasn't all that complicated. The girl joined the zoo. One more animal - end of story.' ' (117) But as Mitchell Sanders not-so-gently tells Rat ' ' Yeah, fine. But tell it right.' ' (117), the reader must also try to read it right. If the different settings are identified, separated and analyzed, then the true idea behind the story comes out.