The Use of Force and its Results. A review on the movie: "1492: Conquest of Paradise". Emphasizes on the justification of the use of force on the movie and its effects.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Use of Force and its Results There is something about the promise of peace and paradise that intrigues the very depth of our souls. Humanity casting a reflection without strife is an extraordinary thought that unquestionably appeals to everybody. Because of this, you can find it throughout history, many have sailed endless oceans for a million nights aboard ghastly vessels in order to savor its bittersweet taste. Many have tried but have failed and …

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…to cause the damages they did. Another truth that we cannot ignore is that whether intentional or not, there was a devastating death among the natives' population during that time. Violence was committed, massacres did take place and slaves were taken. Damages were unintentionally caused, often by ignorance. Each incident may or may not be understandable or forgivable, but in modern world, what really matters is what the people have learned from the past (history).