"The United States was not really isolationist in the 1930's". Argue the case for or against this statement.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
"The United States was not really isolationist in the 1930's". Argue the case for or against this statement. During the 1920's America seemed to enjoy a period of prosperity after the Great War. This was due to a number of factors. One of which was American industry which had expanded and "mass production" methods allowed prices of goods to drop. The American people who had money spent it lavishly, whilst those who did not borrowed …

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…can be seen from the essay though that these "internationalist" actions occurred towards the end of the 1930's. This could imply that they transpired due to the increasing possibility of war. So, in conclusion this essay finds that in most cases America did act as an isolationist during the 1930's. However, towards the end of the decade it realised that if war was probable then it needed to take action to prepare for this event.