The United States role in World Affairs In the 19th and 20th Centuries

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The United States has been a major player in world affairs over the last two centuries. In the years following its War of Independence, its policies tended to be isolationist, but over the centuries it has been transformed, mainly by trade and economic imperatives, into a superpower that exerts military, economic and cultural domination over much of the rest of the world. The following essay will outline some of the main events of this period. …

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…of international cooperation. As indicated by this essay, the role of the United States in world affairs has changed dramatically in the last two centuries. It has gone from an isolationist stance to a country willing to intervene in other countries with only limited support from the rest of the world. Much of the US's major influence on world affairs has involved conflict, and this does not seem likely to change in the near future.