The United States of America is a rogue state. It is the most powerful outlaw state the world has ever known. Discuss.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
The term 'rogue state' was first used by the U.S. after the end of the Cold War. The first state to be worthy of such a description was Panama, then under the rule of Manuel Noriega. Noriega's connection to drugs was the pretext for a December 1989 invasion by the United States military. The concept of the 'rogue state' has been central to the interventionist nature of American foreign policy since the end of the …

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…Saturday March 23, 2002 Cockburn, A. 'The UN: It Should Be Late; It Never Was Great' December 6 / 7, 2003 D'Souza' Dinesh, 'What's So Great About America,'2001 Regency Publishing Koerner, Brendan I. What's Up With "Rogue States"? Posted Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003, at 1:04 PM PT Levy. A. and Scott-Clark, C. 'Spectre Orange',3605,923715,00.html Saturday March 29, 2003 Thundyial, M. 'Profile of a Rogue State'