The United States is morally justified in legislating morals for the purpose of creating a safer more socially aware America.

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The United States is morally justified in legislating morals for the purpose of creating a safer more socially aware America. Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs for relief and work projects were beneficial to America's economic collapse while helping the nation as a whole. Before these programs, however, the nation was not looking so good. On October 24th 1929 a day known as "Black Thursday" came. The stock market crashed and so did the economy. Unemployment …

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…and also allowed them to re-open financially secure banks. Franklin D. Roosevelt's new Deal is responsible for bringing America out of the Great Depression. Without FDR starting many programs like the FERA, and Emergency Banking Relief Act America would have been a lot worse than they were. All this shows that Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs for relief and work projects were beneficial to America's economic collapse while helping the nation as a whole.