The United States Of America

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
The United States of America is an amazing developed country. There are many different features and qualities that the U.S.A has. It's geography, trading partners, it's system of trading, the things it exports and imports are all very unique to the U.S.A. It's society (where the people came from), it's daily life (how the citizens spend their day) and its tourism (who comes to visit and where do they go) is …

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…with multiculturalism people. The citizens have a typical daily life, average but brilliant days. The have many goods that they import and export to have a wide variety of things for the people to live. This country has a magnificent trading method and different trading partners. This country has an attractive geography, and has a high income of tourism. This exciting country has many interesting facts. The United States of America is a wonderful country.