The United States History

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Throughout the 1800's, The United States went through a giant growth. The population doubled from 39 million to 76 million people. I think that this happened because of the immigrants from Europe and many other places around the world. Another reason why I believe that the population nearly double was an enlarged birth rate. The United States had to take action. They adopted the most liberal land policy in history. At that time, America started urbanizing some …

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…country's development. When the States were first discovered the major way to survive was to have some sort of an agricultural system. Agriculture, whether it is farming, ranching, fishing, mining, or whatever, is a major source of income. It also provides this country with a lot of jobs, a lot of natural resources to trade and sell. Agriculture has a profound impact on the direction the country has come from and where it is going.