The Uniqueness of Hamlet

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Uniqueness of Hamlet William Shakespeare has created many fascinating characters in his stories over time. One of the most intriguing of all is Hamlet, who is revealed in the great Shakespearean tragedy, Hamlet. He is the Prince of Denmark whose father has recently died. The throne now belongs to Claudius, King Hamlet's brother. King Hamlet's spirit makes two mysterious appearances seen only by guards and Hamlet's good friend and fellow student, Horatio. After the …

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…that can, however, create problems for him is his ever-changing disposition. Although the first act of the play does not often show him other than melancholic or angry, it is shown that his emotional state is, in fact, much like a roller coaster. He goes from anger to depression, to happiness, to curiosity, then back to extreme anger. Despite this, his fascinating combination of traits gives him the potential to become Denmark's next great leader.