"The Unexpected Guest" Gives plot summary, and character explanation

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Essay Database > Literature
Book Report 1. In the book, "The Unexpected Guest", there are two main themes. The main themes are revenge, and love and hate. Revenge is a very important theme to the plot because Mr. Richard Warwick, the man killed, had ran over the little boy of a man who later comes back to kill him. Love and hate is also a theme. In this book, many people had a motive for murdering Warwick, but these people …

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…though it is a surprise. You and I both know that unsolved murders are a very real problem in our world. This book sheds new light on the extent that a person will go to have their revenge. I just know that if you start to read this book you'll have trouble putting it down. I hope you go pick it up right away and get started, you'll be glad you did. Enjoy! Your friend,