The USe of Secrets as a Thematic Device in Bartleby.
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The Use of Secrets as a Thematic Device in "Bartleby"
Secrets are an important theme in many stories. Secrets may be kept from the reader, from other characters in the story, or a character may be in denial, thereby keeping secrets from him or herself. These secrets could also be shared, with other characters, or with the reader. Ultimately however, it is the narrator of the story, through which the author speaks, that chooses to
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contemplative writing makes this sort of tale even more successful. "Bartleby" is paced very slowly, allowing the reader to be more considerate of everything leading up to the climax and descending action, which in turn happen very quickly, as if they are unimportant. In relation to secrets Melville, through the narrator, forces the reader to consider different aspects of the story as he leads up to the climactic sequence, and the eventual death of Bartleby.
contemplative writing makes this sort of tale even more successful. "Bartleby" is paced very slowly, allowing the reader to be more considerate of everything leading up to the climax and descending action, which in turn happen very quickly, as if they are unimportant. In relation to secrets Melville, through the narrator, forces the reader to consider different aspects of the story as he leads up to the climactic sequence, and the eventual death of Bartleby.