The Two Trung Sisters.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
If you could have chosen to be named after somebody famous, who would you have chosen? Would you choose a superstar athlete? Or a popular musician? Or a Hollywood movie star? Well, in my case, I chose neither. In fact, I chose a pair women who are known by only few in the world. They are two national heroines in Vietnam, dubbed "Hai Ba Trung" or the "Two Trung Sisters." There are two main reasons …

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…two sisters proudly stood up to avenge the country." When everyone else in the country, even all the heroes who were once absolutely fearless, were too frightened of the Chinese officials, only the Trung sisters stood out and accepted the challenge of driving them out. They demonstrated their amazing willpower and resolve and greatly succeeded in their courageous mission. The Trung sisters lived a full and honorable life and their memory will always live on.