The Truth of the Cafta Treaty. About the Free Trade Agreement between the US and Central America

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Global Economy
For the past year, Central America has been negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with the world's only super power the United States. The impact that this treaty is immense for a nation as Costa Rica and to Central America as a whole, it was the US who proposed the Free Trade Agreement to the nations of the Middle America last year after their own Trade Representative sent a letter to Congress. The importance of such …

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…last round of negotiations will begin. So Middle America faces a tough choice, signing a treaty which may not be in their best interest or not signing and be faced with the reduction of US benefits towards them. It will affect CA not only on the sort run, but it will profoundly affect the region for years to come. I only hope the leaders of these nation know what the are putting their country through.