The Truth behind Witchcraft and Wicca.

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Essay Database > History
Witchcraft is a religion that is practiced all around the world. Witchcraft has been around since mankind has been around. Witchcraft practices many different things. Witchcraft is used as a title for many earth religions. People may also refer to witchcraft as the craft. Damien Echols was found guilty of murder based on unfounded allegations regarding his practice of witchcraft. <Tab/>Witchcraft is a recognized religion by the United States government. "…

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…Catherine. "Wicca for the rest of us." May 2, 2005. <Tab/><> Sabrina, Lady. Exploring Wicca. Career Press, Inc. Franklin Lakes, NJ. 2001. Spring Wolfs Spiritual Education Program. "Witchcraft and Shamanism." May 2, 2005. <Tab/><> Summers, Montague. The History of Witchcraft. Carol Publishing Group. New York, <Tab/>NY. 1993.