The Truth About Lying

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Truth About lying There is an epidemic plaguing our society. It may be more pervasive than all the cancers combined, more destructive that the flesh-eating virus that shocked us a few years ago, and equally as horrifying to witness. It is difficult to detect and more common than the common cold. It grows and spreads faster than a patch of poison ivy. It is lying. Personal integrity must be a core societal value for …

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…and there are no limits to lying. Liars do not care who or how much they hurt or destroy anyone. People who do not lie have better relationships, less anger, less stress, and greater productivity. Society has a potentially deadly disease. While the truth may be hard to face, dishonesty can not be denied or wished to go away. If left untreated it will spread ravenously, and unlike the common cold, there is a cure.