The Trojan War

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Throughout time, men have waged war. Some for power, some for glory, some for honor -- and some for love. There is a legend twenty eight centuries old that narrates of how a queen betrayed her king; and the warrior he called upon to lead the long, long winding journey of vengeance. If love was worth dying for, there is no, no, greater war than this. In ancient Greece, the passion of two of history's …

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…also the wife of Hector and Helen were returned to Menelaus. Only a few Trojans escaped, the most famous being Aeneas, who led the other survivors to be the founders of Rome. Causing another civilization to be created at the expense of another, ending the age of Troy and beginning a new age, where the greatest civilization the world has ever seen would being to influence the future that was for hundreds of more years.