The Trend of Global leadership

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In any era, each time, there are different protagonists, but they are all playing the same familiar game on a similar board. Like a game of Monopoly, there are nations competing to become the foremost leaders of their time. When the influence and might of these countries transcends the confines of their boundaries, thus making them a presence throughout the world, they become empires. At times, it seems as though one of these empires wins …

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…are those by which super powers inevitably rise and fall. The decline of American empire will gradually happen within next few decades due to the American practice of isolationism, gross overspending on military costs, a declining economy, loss of competitiveness and the competition with rising superpower China. Work Cites: 1. The World Bank, "Poverty in an Age of Globalization" 2000. 2 Peter Marcuse "Globalization Is an Issue" 1997. 3 Richard J. Newman "IBM Big blue goes red" 2004 4 Sociology 5 lecture notes