The Treaty of Versailles set the stage for further unrest

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The year was 1919, in the capital city of France, Versailles. Leaders from around the world met and discussed a treaty, known as the Treaty of Versailles. It was meant to reduce Germany's military and economic power, in an attempt to punish them for World War I, and to make reparations to those countries that had been affected. The actual result, though, was quite the opposite of what was intended. World War I had made huge …

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…people would not have felt so victimized, they would not have been open to extremist parties such as the Nazi party. Also, if the countries involved in the treaty had focused on establishing future peace, like the American president Woodrow Wilson had in mind, rather than trying to exact revenge and quick gains, then a fairer treaty might has been established. As it ended, however, the Treaty of Versailles satisfied no one, and angered many.