The Transformation of Othello

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
TRANSFORMATION OF OTHELLO In Shakespeare's play Othello the transformation of the main character Othello "the moor", both in terms of attitudes towards life and the state of mind he is in, is the main axis by which various types of other contrasts are worked up. In this play readers are ended up with a final where a respectful and strong general turned in to a weak person that is manipulated by the vicious plans of …

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…related to these two different cultures becomes more meaningful. Related to geography, Iago is like the vehicle that searches and replaces things that do not stand where they must be. He is an evil with a biased rationality that can not withstand persons being in places that does not really match their originalities. In this sense he did not surprise me. Othello is the one without an internal consistency that results in his tragic fault.