The Tragic hero MacBeth

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Everyone who is human must have at least one flaw, it is impossible to be perfect. Weather it is something big like a drug addiction or something small like forgetting to put the toilet seat down. Macbeth too has flaws, and these flaws eventually lead to his untimely demise. But Shakespeare isn't that simple, you see Macbeth goes through four stages until he reaches the end of his life; his original state, his tragic flaw, …

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…fight the thousands of men who have come to overthrow and kill Macbeth. Suddenly, Macduff fights Macbeth and kills him to bring him to his fatal end. Macbeth is the perfect example of a tragic hero. He goes through all the stages, such as a noble birth,(which leads to a position of great nobility and honor), to then committing sinful acts to catapult him into darkness. This darkness thus leading to his ultimate demise.