The Tonkin Gulf Resolution

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Tonkin Gulf Resolution The Tonkin Gulf and the Tonkin Gulf Resolution are two phrases that are surrounded by much controversy. One major incident involves the United States. Even though this area is half way around the world, an event occurred at this location nearly 40 years ago that has caused the United States much grief. To describe the previous, the Gulf of Tonkin is an area of water that is shared between Vietnam and China. …

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…to come around, it helped the United States' President have the control that was needed to maintain a safe, peaceful country and world. Many controversies surround the happening of the Tonkin Gulf, but out of the pre-war attack, the resolution was formed. The majority of the Congress of the United States and American people would say that the Resolution, even though formed from a controversy, is a very important document in the United States' history.