"The Time of Your Life" by William Saroyan.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The one main theme that has been represented in all of Saroyan's work is an on-going belief in mankind, although it may sound vague, a moral person is often the hero of his tales, and the so-called villain, circumstance. Although as a theme, it seems hardly original, the method in which the hero overcomes his or her hardship is what gives his work charm. The character often grows or has grown into accepting a new …

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…obvious influence on him.) In "The Human Comedy" the immigrant is Mr. Ara, still suffering from his transfer from the old country where his family spent thousands of years (Saroyan "The Human Comedy" 138). By focusing on himself, he tied the characters together on another level, which allowed their confrontation to be smoother, more familiar and kept the play's entertainment value alive, allowing the concentration of the message to be overall, verses on clashes of character.