The Time Machine -- H.G. Wells

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Time Machine -- H.G. Wells The Time Machine by H.G. Wells is a fantastic book in my opinion! It is filled with everything ranging from action to romance to science. There is a little comedy, yet not enough to interfere with the point of the book. Written in clear, illustrative and beguilingly gorgeous prose, Wells manages to paint a truly timeless and ultimately unforgettable portrait of the future that has well stood …

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…replace his previous feelings of helplessness. This transformation happens in a matter of days. H.G. Wells is trying to show that given the right circumstances, how easily a supposedly "refined" and "civilized" can be reduced into a snarling beast, or simple, ignorant children. I was thoroughly impressed by this concise, yet engaging writing by Wells, and believe that this classic would be a necessity in the personal library of any fan of classic literature.