The Threat of Nuclear Smuggling

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
The Real Threat of Nuclear Smuggling This reading was based on the controversy over the threat that nuclear smuggling poses. It begins by going over the view of each side in a brief manner. It states that some analysts dismiss it as a minor nuisance while others find the danger to be very real and probable. This reading stands mainly for the belief that nuclear smuggling is a real danger. The analysts that find this …

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…problem should set up a 'flying squad' with an investigative arm, facilities for counterterrorist and counterextortion actions and a disaster management team. Even though such an idea may seem extremely far-fetched at the moment because of a continuing reluctance to recognize the severity of the there, it is minutely the consensus that it would be a horrible tragedy if governments were to accept the need for a more substantive program only after a nuclear catastrophe.