The Thorn Birds

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Thorn Birds The novel, The Thorn Birds, is a very well written story about a family living in a poorer section of New Zealand whose livelihood is shearing sheep. The money for the family depends almost solely on the sheep. In the family, there is Padraic Cleary (Paddy), the father of the clan. He is a likable man who commands respect from his children and from those who know him. His wife, Fiona Cleary (…

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…want, and both women end up getting their man, but lose him due to their surroundings and who they are. In both novels, the women have a strong link to their homes, Tara, and Drogheda. The land is who they are, and they both return to their lands to find peace and happiness. The writing in both novels is different, and the women too, are different, but the underlying ideas in both are the same.