The Things They've Carried

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Essay Database > History > World History
The Things They Carried Tim O'Brien <Tab/>War is simply a general name of a huge, mind consuming traumatic experience that changes peoples' lives. The events that occur during a war are inhumane and evil. Unfortunately, those who sacrifice their lives and souls for a war, entering the game as one person and return (if they are lucky) completely different. Many aspects of manslaughter, death, wondering through the unknown, affect individuals …

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…obsessive because of their fatigue of suffering, illness and fighting for the strength to go home. A good point to be made is, no matter how society puts it or however the government feeds us, soldiers are human, they are just presented as warriors that are trained to kill and their war is being fought, still today. If a person goes to war, brave or cowardly, they become someone else whether they live or die.